The Pendulum Swing

I‘ve always subscribed to the “pendulum theory” to help me navigate how things work in the world. I believe there is an inherent fluidity in the way all kinds of things ebb and flow to keep things balanced.

I adopted this belief fairly early in my life; I may have been about 12 years old. I was a child full of despair, and wanted my environment to be anything than what it was. Then one day, without me having a hand in it at all, it changed for the better. I learned at that time, if you wait long enough, everything changes, and that change is
really the only thing we can count on.

We have a choice in how we view what’s happening around us. We can choose to view any situation as one that’s continuously worsening and will continue to do so, or we can choose to recognize that all
situations are temporary…and ultimately the pendulum will swing in the other direction…that change is something we can count on.

When you feel yourself experiencing stress over the way lievolving, pause. Remind yourself that life is a pendulum and that it will reverse its current motion and move toward more favorable results.