Land Your New Job in 3 Simple Steps
Whether you loved or hated that job, now your focus is to move on to the next stage in your career.
1. Deal with any anger you may be feeling.
Being angry is a very large roadblock to future employment — recruiters won’t refer you, and potential employers will avoid you.
No one wants to hire a “nutcase” who might “go postal” in the new job!
You may be completely justified in being angry at the incompetent former boss or calculating co-worker(s), but remaining angry with them can sabotage your future success. That anger will be apparent in your language, facial expression, and tone (both written and live).
The anger may negatively impact your job search in many ways:
- Scaring people away in your social media interactions.
- Offending the people in your network.
- Limiting your view of potential opportunities.
- Keeping you from focusing effectively on your hunt for a new job.
All of this will prevent you from “moving on” to the next step in your career.
So, don’t let the anger take you down:
- Recognize and acknowledge to yourself or to a counselor that you are angry.
- Dump the anger and frustration out in a way that won’t hurt you or anyone else, like writing it down in a notebook you keep to yourself (or destroy later) or in a document on your computer that gets deleted (NEVER sent to ANYONE!).
- Determine to move on with your life and career without letting that bad experience permanently damage your future.
- Count your blessings (from family, friends, health, and home to ice cream in the freezer and the electricity that makes the freezer work, etc.) on at least a daily basis — hourly, if needed.
- Consider that you might possibly be wrong about why you lost your job, if you are blaming one person or situation. Unless you have perfect information about everything involved, you are guessing about the reason you lost your job.
The worst part of the anger is the long-term impact it can have if you don’t get rid of it. You can end up burning bridges that may prove damaging to your career in the future — like when a potential employer does a reference check.
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