Astor Services for Children & Families is a community based, non-profit organization that provides children’s mental health services, child welfare services, and early childhood development programs. Astor serves children and families in New York State’s Mid-Hudson Valley region and the Bronx.
Through a wide variety of premier quality education and mental health services, Astor provides support for pre-schoolers, children with behavioral and emotional health problems, children at risk of placement in foster care, and families that need assistance in developing the skills necessary to raise their children in an environment filled with increasing challenges. Astor currently serves thousands of children each year through its prevention, early childhood, special education, community behavioral health and residential treatment programs.
Many children in our communities struggle with emotional and psychological problems that make it difficult for them to experience the simple everyday pleasures of being a child.
ASTOR is there for them.
Many families, overwhelmed by financial, emotional and cultural challenges, need additional resources and support to be able to give their children a healthy, happy childhood.
ASTOR is there for them.

Each and every person on Astor’s staff has made a perso
nal commitment to serving children and families with care, respect, and the highest degree of professional service. Our personnel includes psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, early childhood professionals, nurses, health- and child-care workers, educators, and many other highly dedicated employees who provide vital services and support for our clients.
Our programs receive financial support from compassionate donors who care about the future of the youngest members of our communities. We receive funding from government agencies (federal, state and local), individuals, foundations and corporations.
Astor’s philosophy of service is family and community oriented. Astor’s philosophy of care is holistic and seeks to nurture the mind, strengthen the body and inspire the spirit of each child in our care.
At Astor we believe that each child is unique and that each child should be given the opportunity to fulfill his or her highest potential. We strive to give them that chance through premier quality educational and counseling programs. Along the way, we also hope to give them — through art, play and sincere affection — a little bit of magic and a lot of laughter.
Because every child deserves a childhood.